
Conference Programme Outline

Printable version of the programme and the list of posters: (pdf)
List of posters (html)
Book of Abstracts (pdf, 10MB)


Monday, June 23rd

9.30- ADHO Board Meeting

Monday   Tuesday   Wednesday   Thursday   Friday  Saturday  Sunday

Tuesday, June 24th

9.30-12.00 ALLC and ACH Committee meetings

14.00-  ALLC and ACH Committee meetings

9.30-17.30 Pre-conference Workshop:

Service Oriented Computing in the Humanities 3 (SOCH3)
Click here for workshop description (pdf)

mc schraefel [live link] (Topic to be announced later)
Elpiniki Fragkouli, Uptake of electronic services and resources in the UK research community
John Bradley, (Out)Fitting "the individual scholar" for Service-Oriented Computing: experiments with Pliny
Short discussion
Allen Renear, Service Oriented Computing and Scholarly Communication
Tapio Seppänen, Response: Mobile communities and digital media on peer-to-peer networks
Concluding discussion panel

This workshop is free of charge, but you must register for it (on the conference registration form).


Wednesday, June 25th

9.00-12.00 ADHO meeting reconvened

10.00-12.00 Information Processing and Computer Engineering Laboratories demo session
(click here for more information)

13.00-15.00 Registration

15.00-18.00 Opening session and Plenary

18.00-  Reception given by the University of Oulu


Monday   Tuesday   Wednesday   Thursday   Friday  Saturday  Sunday

Thursday, June 26th

  HU106 HU205 HU207 HU206
9.00-10.30 Panel:
Neil Fraistat et al.,
Defining an International Humanities Portal

Chair: Dot Porter

Rudy McDaniel et al., Designing Usable Learning Games for the Humanities: Five Research Dimensions

Sandra Buchmueller, Gesche Joost, Rosan Chow, The impact of digital interfaces on virtual gender images

Simon Mahony, An interdisciplinary perspective on building learning communities within the digital humanities

Chair: Stéfan Sinclair

Helma Dik and Richard Whaling, Bootstrapping Classical Greek morphology

Charles Cooney et al., Feature Creep: Evaluating feature sets for text mining literary corpora

Malcolm D. Hyman, Term Discovery in an Early Modern Latin Scientific Corpus

Chair: Matthew Jockers

Mengjia Zhao and Patrick Juola, A Chinese version of an authorship attribution analysis program

Luis Meneses et al., Picasso’s poetry: the case of a bilingual concordance

10.30-11.00 Coffee break
11.00-12.30 Panel:
Georg Rehm, Aspects of sustainability in digital humanities

Chair: Susan Schreibman

Susan Brown et al., Degrees of connection: the close interlinkages of Orlando

Jennifer Kelly, John G. Keating, Constructing social networks in modern Ireland using ACQ

Georges Arnaout et al., Exploring Historical Image Collections with Collaborative Faceted Classification

Chair: Stephen Ramsay

Helma Dik, Mining Classical Greek gender

Kim Luyckx and Walter Daelemans, Using syntactic features to predict author personality from text

Charles Cooney et al., Hidden roads and twisted paths: Intertextual discovery using clusters, classifications, and similarities

Chair: Elli Mylonas

Jama S. Coartney and Susan L. Wiesner, Performance as digital text: capturing signals and secret messages in a media-rich experience

Luis Meneses et al., Exploring the Biography and Artworks of Picasso with Interactive Calendars and Timelines

Mary L. Tripp, Video Game Avatar: From Other to Self-Transcendence and Transformation

12.30-14.00 Lunch
ALLC AGM in HU106, starting at 12:30
14.00-15.30 ADHO SESSION

Panel session on Evidence of Value of ICT in Arts and Humanities Research

Chair: Elisabeth Burr

Stefano David et al.,Talia: a Research and Publishing Environment for Philosophy Scholars

Aleksey Varfolomeyev et al., Knowledge-Based Information Systems in Research of Regional History

Ian R. Johnson, Breaking down barriers: the integration of research data, notes and referencing in a Web 2.0 academic framework

Chair: John Nerbonne

Junte Zhang et al., Automatic link-detection in encoded archival descriptions

Charles Cooney et al., Deconstructing machine learning: A challenge for digital humanities

Gerhard Brey and Manolis Christodoulakis, How to find Mrs. Billington? Approximate string matching applied to misspelled names

Chair: Jan Christoph Meister

Brian David Walker, Using Wmatrix to investigate the narrators and characters of Julian Barnes’ Talking It Over

Maria Csernoch, A novel way for the comparative analysis of adaptations based on vocabulary rich text segments: the assessment of Dan Brown’s Da Vinci Code and its translations

Martin Holmes and Claire Carlin, Domestic strife in early modern Europe: images and texts in a virtual anthology

15.30-16.00 Coffee break
16.00-17.30 PANEL:
Stephen Ramsay et al., Innovations in interdisciplinary research project management

Chair: Claire Warwick

Susan Schreibman and Ann Hanlon, Determining Value for Digital Humanities Tools

Tobias Blanke et al., e-Science in the Arts and Humanities – A methodological perspective

W. Brent Seales and A. Ross Scaife, Recent work in the EDUCE Project

Chair: Laszlo Hunyadi

Jakeline Benavides and Charles van den Heuvel, The function and accuracy of old Dutch urban designs and maps. A computer assisted analysis of the extension of Leiden (1611) (Presented by John Nerbonne)

Glenn Roe et al., Re-engineering the tree of knowledge: Vector space analysis and centroid-based clustering in the Encyclopédie

Joseph Rudman, Assumptions, statistical tests, and non-traditional attribution studies – Part II

Chair: Ray Siemens

Nathalie Groß and Christian Liedtke, The Heinrich-Heine-Portal. A digital edition and research platform on the web

Alpo Honkapohja et al., Digital editions for corpus linguistics: a new approach to creating editions of historical manuscripts

Alexander Czmiel, Editio ex machine – digital scholarly editions out of the box

19.00-20.30 Reception at the Oulu City Hall


Monday   Tuesday   Wednesday   Thursday   Friday  Saturday  Sunday

Friday, June 27th

  HU106 HU205 HU207 HU206


Undestanding TEI(s): A Presentation and Discussion Session

Chairs: Susan Schreibman and Ray Siemens

Speakers: Peter Boot, Arianna Ciula, James Cummings, Kurt Gaertner, Martin Holmes, Fotis Jannidis, and John Walsh

Chair: John Lavagnino

Hanno Biber et al., AAC-FACKEL and BRENNER ONLINE. New Digital Editions of Two Literary Journals.

Alison Stevenson and Jamie Norrish, Topic Maps and Entity Authority Records: An Effective Cyber Infrastructure for Digtal Humanities

Ollivier Dyens et al., Information visualization and text mining: application to a corpus on posthumanism

Chair: Jean Anderson

Takafumi Suzuki, Extracting author-specific expressions using random forest for use in the sociolinguistic analysis of political speeches

Vadim Andreev, Variation of Style: Diachronic aspect

David Beavan, Glimpses through the clouds: collocates in a new light



10.30-11.00 Coffee break
11.00-12.30 ACH SESSION

Chair: Christian-Emil Ore

Marco Zanasi et al., Clinical applications of computer-assisted textual applications, a TEI dream?

James Cummings, ENRICHing Manuscript Descriptions with TEI P5

Jan Rybicki, Does Size Matter? A Re-examination of a Time-proven Method

Chair: Tapio Seppänen

Jean-Guy Meunier and Dominic Forest, Computer assisted conceptual analysis of text: the concept of mind in the collected papers of C.S. Peirce

William Kretzschmar, Unnatural language processing: neural networks and the linguistics of speech

Martti Mäkinen, The Middle English Grammar Corpus – a tool for studying the writing and speech systems of medieval English

Chair: Espen S. Ore

Neal Audenaert and Richard Furuta, Annotated facsimile editions: defining macro-level structure for image-based electronic editions

Dino Buzzetti and Malte Rehbein, Towards a model for dynamic text editions

Arianna Ciula and Tamara Lopez, Reflecting on a dual: Henry III fine rolls print and web

12.30-14.00 Lunch
ACH AGM in HU106, starting at 12:30
14.00-15.30 Poster session (Click here for a list of posters)
15.30-16.00 Coffee break

SDH/SEMI panel:

Text Analysis Developers' Alliance (TADA) and T-REX

Stéfan Sinclair

Chair: Ray Siemens

Participants: Stéfan Sinclair, Matt Jockers, Susan Schreibman, Patrick Juola, David Hoover, Jean-Guy Meunier, Dominic Forest

Dorothy Carr Porter et al., The Homer multitext project

Chair: David Robey

Martin Holmes and Greg Newton, Rescuing old data: case studies, tools and techniques

Stephanie A. Schlitz, The TEI as luminol: forensic philology in a digital age

Claire Warwick et al., iTrench: a study of the use of information technology in field archaeology

Chair: Edward Vanhoutte

Ron van Branden, A modest proposal. Analysis of specific needs with reference to collation in electronic editions

Neal Audenaert et al., CritSpace: using spatial hypertext to model visually complex documents

Stephen Ramsay and Brian Pytlik Zillig, Text analytics: a TEI format for cross-collection text analysis


Monday   Tuesday   Wednesday   Thursday   Friday  Saturday  Sunday

Saturday, June 28th

  HU106 HU205 HU207 HU206
9.00-10.30 Panel:
Ray Siemens et al., The building blocks of the new Electronic Book

Chair: Paul Caton

Deborah Winthrop Anderson, Unicode 5.0 and 5.1 and digital humanities projects

Fotis Jannidis and Thorsten Vitt, Markup in Textgrid

James Cummings
Converting St Paul: A new TEI P5 edition of The Conversion of St Paul using stand-off linking.

Chair: Chuck Bush

Geoffrey Rockwell et al., The dictionary of words in the wild

Kurt Gärtner, The new Middle High German dictionary and its predecessors as an interlinked compound of lexicographical resources

Nuria Rodriguez, The TTC-Atenea system: researching opportunities in the field of art-theoretical terminology

Chair: Lisa Lena Opas-Hänninen

Joel Goldfield and David Hoover, Homebodies and gad-abouts: a chronological stylistic study of 19th century French and English novelists

Tomoji Tabata, Gentleman in Dickens: a multivariate stylometric approach to its collocation

Louisa Connors, Function word analysis and questions of interpretation in early modern tragedy

10.30-11.00 Coffee break
11.00-12.30 Panel:
Matthew Jockers et al.,
Beyond search: literary studies and the digital library

Chair: Paul Spence

Edward Vanhoutte, (Re)writing the history of humanities computing

John A. Walsh, The Chymistry of Isaac Newton and the Chymical Foundations of digital humanities

Lisa Spiro, Doing digital scholarship

Chair: Bethany Nowviskie

Caroline Leitch et al., Digital humanities ‘readership’ and the public knowledge project

Kirsten Carol Uszkalo and Darren James Harkness, Normalizing identity: the role of blogging software in creating digital identity

Desmond Schmidt et al., A multi-version wiki


e-Science: New collaborations between information technology and the humanities

David Robey, Stuart Dunn, Laszlo Hunyadi, Dino Buzzetti

12.30-14.00 Lunch
14.00-15.30 Panel:
Martha Nell Smith et al., Agora.Techno.Phobia.Philia2: feminist critical inquiry, knowledge building, digital humanities

Chair: Dino Buzzetti

John A. Walsh and Michelle Dalmau, Document-Centric Framework for Navigating Texts Online, or, the Intersection of the Text Encoding Initiative and the Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard

Øyvind Eide and Christian-Emil Ore, TEI and cultural heritage ontologies

Peter Boot, An OWL-based index of emblem metaphors

Chair: Willard McCarty

John Bradley, Collaborative tool-building with Pliny: a progress report

Lynne Siemens, “It’s a team if you use ‘reply all’”: An Exploration of Research Teams in Digital Humanities Environments

Wybo Wiersma and Bruno Sarlo, LogiLogi: A Webplatform for Philosophers

Chair: Jean Anderson

David Hoover, The Moonstone and The Coquette: Narrative and epistolary styles

Maciej Eder, How Rhytmical is hexameter: A Statistical approach to ancient epic poetry

Lisa Lena Opas-Hänninen et al., 2D and 3D visualization of stance in popular fiction

15.30-16.00 Coffee break
16.00-17.30 Closing session and plenary
19.00- Banquet at Holiday Club Oulu Eden


Sunday, June 29th

10.00 -   Excursion to Oulanka National Park (full day)

10.00 -   Excursion to Hailuoto island (half day)


Monday   Tuesday   Wednesday   Thursday   Friday  Saturday  Sunday